Telemarketing is one of the most effective methods of prospecting currently available to sales people. However, too often sales people spend their time drafting emails or writing inappropriate blogs when the quickest way is to just pick up the phone.
The problem is that A LOT of sales people are scared of making cold calls and come out in a hot sweat at just the thought of it. If you no longer want to fear making that call then let us help you.
We’re running two half day training sessions in Exeter and Plymouth for businesses across the South West to enable individuals to become more confident in making those dreaded calls and increase their closing rate and average order value on inbound sales inquiries.
The training will demonstrate how to:
- Get past the gate keeper,
- Present yourself and your business properly and ethically,
- Get to the decision maker,
- Close business on the telephone.
As a result you will:
- Become more confident in making those dreaded cold calls and will close business,
- Increase your closing ratio and average order value,
- Improve your handling of sales calls, maximising business by upselling and brand promotion,
- Build relationships and maximise your sales.
Not only will you receive excellent training but also mentoring thereafter giving you great VALUE FOR MONEY.
The training will be led by a successful telemarketer with a couple of decades of experience in B2B and B2C sales techniques. You will get advice and training from a REAL PERSON who is telemarketing EVERY DAY. This won’t be just another theoretical training course from people who don’t actually cold call themselves. NO ROLE PLAY WILL BE INVOLVED.
Dates: 19th and 26th October 2017
Contact Us on: 01392 344924 or email: to book your place now. This is a LOW COST EVENT.