The New Year always starts with lots of good intentions… Maybe you plan to lose weight, get more exercise or write that online blog. Whatever your resolutions are KME Recruitment wish you the best of luck with them!
As we wave goodbye to 2017 and welcome 2018, it is no secret that the New Year is the busiest time of the year for the majority of the recruitment world.
At KME Recruitment we have over 30 years’ combined experience within the Sales and Recruitment markets, hence we know what makes a great Sales professional and the importance that role plays within any company.
Check out this website which is packed full of great information about the services that we offer to businesses looking for new staff and candidates looking for their next career moves.
Did you know as well as recruitment services, KME also offer Sales Training and Audits?
If you have any questions about anything you see or would like to get in contact with us then please call 01392 344924 or email and we will get back to you as soon as possible.